Friday, August 21, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics About Animal Rights - 3 Effective Arguments to Use

Argumentative Essay Topics About Animal Rights - 3 Effective Arguments to UseWhen you are writing a persuasive essay for argumentative essay topics about animal rights, your primary goal is to create a reasonable argument that has no direct conflict with the principals of the animal rights movement. Since there are plenty of reasons why people take up this cause, it can be hard to come up with a principled stance that stands above all others.That being said, we are going to discuss three great arguments to use in writing an argumentative essay topics about animal rights. These arguments have been proven to be effective in the past, and there is virtually no chance they won't be effective in this instance as well. Here they are:'The treatment of animals is cruel and abusive' is a successful case study for most people. It would be absurd to claim that pigs and cows and horses are treated poorly. They're just working animals and simply wanted to be able to produce and eat the food they needed to survive. It would be impossible to argue against that fact, because the mere thought that they were treated badly does not exist.Another successful argument from this topic in persuasive essay topics about animal rights is the fact that animals were created for use in scientific research. That fact might lead you to say something like, 'Oh, so if a scientist in a lab studies certain species, he is conducting research on animals? Oh, well, I guess there's nothing wrong with that.'By using this statement, you effectively demonstrate that the fact that animals were created for scientific research does not make them less worthy of respect or equal to humans who are advocates of animal rights. In fact, this fact shows that they are indeed more worthy of rights than the billions of humans who have been used for their bodies in the laboratory over time.Once you establish that the majority of animals who are abused and exploited in the lab were made for research purposes and there fore deserve the same rights as you, you are finally halfway to proving that argumentative essay topics about animal rights. Now all you have to do is show your readers why it is moral for them to support animal rights.Once you understand the nature of animals and their creation, you will realize that argumentative essay topics about animal rights is not something you should be arguing about. You should be focusing your attention on other topics, such as why we must stop abusing animals. By focusing on that issue, you've accomplished the first step toward proving that animal rights are right.Any topic in argumentative essay topics about animal rights will work as long as you know what to focus on. By understanding the nature of animals and how they were created for research purposes, you will be in a better position to educate others about the subject.

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